Skill No 14: The Sombrero Flick

Discover the Enchanting World of the Sombrero Flick: A Magical Football Move Born on the Streets of South America. Learn the Artistry Behind It and Elevate Your Game!

ByCoach Jake

The Sombrero Flick, often simply called "Sombrero," traces its roots to the football-loving streets of South America. It was born out of a desire to outmanoeuvre opponents with finesse and style. The term "Sombrero" itself carries an air of elegance, as it translates to "hat" in Spanish. Just like a magician pulling a rabbit from a hat, footballers began using this move to make the ball disappear from their opponent's reach, only to have it reappear with a flick over the defender's head.


Breaking Down the Sombrero Flick

Now, let's dive into the intricacies of executing the Sombrero Flick. While it may appear complex, with practice and patience, you can add this magical technique to your arsenal. Here's a step-by-step guide:


Step One: Tell your child to position the ball slightly in front of them and prepare to make the move with their dominant foot whilst keeping their non-dominant foot nearby for balance.


Step Two: Show your child that as the defender closes in, they must use the top of their dominant foot to make contact with the bottom of the ball. This contact should be gentle, allowing them to lift the ball with precision.


Step Three: Explain that they must then simultaneously lean slightly backward and start the upward motion. Their non-dominant foot can provide balance during this phase.


Step Four: Your child should then flick it over the head of the defender as the ball rises. The key here is to strike the ball with just the right amount of force and trajectory. Too much force, and it might go too far; too little, and it could be easily intercepted.


Step Five: Show them how to follow through with their movement, accelerating past the defender to regain possession on the other side.


In the ever-evolving world of football, the Sombrero Flick stands as a symbol of the sport's artistry and beauty. It's a technique that celebrates creativity, style, and the audacity to defy convention. Whether you're an aspiring footballer eager to elevate your game or a fan captivated by the magic of the beautiful game, embrace the challenge. Head to the training ground, practise your Sombrero Flick, and unlock the potential to create moments of brilliance on the pitch. Football is a canvas of endless possibilities, and the Sombrero Flick is your brush to paint mesmerising plays. So, lace up your boots, hit the field, and let the Sombrero Flick be your signature move—an emblem of the captivating wizardry of football.