Family F.C.'s Summer Holiday Camp

ByCoach Dan

The summer holidays are some of the best times of your life, just ask Bryan Adams.

For all the kids out there, the summer break will be spent making memories. For all you parents, you’ll be loving the time together as a family, with one eye on the calendar, waiting for the madness to calm down!

Some of you may have even sent your children to summer camps to make new friends.

But you don’t always have to travel to camps to enjoy the fun, occasionally the camp comes to you!

And that’s exactly what Family F.C. have done.

We have put together a collection of classic camp games with our own football twist, for you and the kids to enjoy over the holidays.

So, there’s no time to waste, let’s get started with the activities!


Footie & The Flag


Capture the Flag is an all-time favourite and one of the best games you can play as a group. There was only one way to make this even better, and that was to add a football into the mix, because well, football makes everything better right?

How To Play?

Just like the original, you need two teams facing off either side of one another with a flag in the middle.

Each player will have a football at their feet, and the aim is for one of the team members to dribble their football to the flag and capture it.

Once you have the flag, you must return it to your side safely.

If you lose control of the football or one of the other team tackles you, you must return to your team line and start again.

FFC Skills Developed

Dribbling, touch, agility, speed, and defending.


Go, Stop, Go!


Remember playing Mr Wolf when you were kids?

The basis of that game was simple. You would creep towards the ‘wolf’, and when they turned around you had to be as still as possible. Well, this game has a similar idea, so let us explain the rules.

How To Play?

One adult will be our leader and the players will line up on the start line with a football.

The leader will shout Go, and the players have to get to the other side in the fastest time possible with their balls. When the director shouts stop though, you have to trap the ball without losing control.

If your ball is still moving after the leader shouts stop then it’s back to the start you go!

FFC Skills Developed

Control, dribbling and sharpness.


Family F.C. Says…


For this game, you will be taking on the role of Simon.

The thing with Simon was he had a bit of an ego, and you could only perform an action if he said so.

This game is no different, except for the football of course.

How To Play?

Whoever finds themself in charge will call out commands to the other players to perform. This could be anything from passing to a neighbour on your right or producing a piece of skill such as a stepover.

If any player goes to move without the magic words “Family F.C. says”, then they will sit out until the next round. The winner is the last player left standing at the end of the game.

FFC Skills Developed

Listening to instructions, sharpness, and alertness.


Find The Goal!


What most football fans will be shouting at their striker on a Saturday afternoon, this game is our spin on musical chairs.

A summer camp classic that often produces some hilarious moments as people scramble for a seat, this is sure to offer up plenty of mishaps for players.

How To Play?

Goals (cones) will be placed out around the circle and players will move around the circle with their footballs while the music plays.

When the music stops, players have to dribble to the nearest goal and stop the ball on the line.

After each round, one goal will be removed from the circle, meaning one player will be eliminated from the game when the music next stops.

This will continue until there is only one goal and two players left. In the final round, the goal will be placed in the middle of the circle with an equal distance for both players to reach and the winner will be the first one to stop the ball on the line.

FFC Skills Developed

Alertness, agility, speed and dribbling.


Share Your Camp Stories


When you get out for the Family F.C. camp this summer, we would love to hear about it!

Follow us on our socials and if you DM us videos of the games, we’ll make sure to feature them on our pages.

If you’re not a member of the Family F.C. team yet, join up by subscribing today! We can’t wait to have you on board!