Family F.C Skill No 1: The Rainbow Flick

The history of the rainbow flick traces back to the early 1990s when it first made its appearance on the streets of Brazil. The move gained popularity among young street footballers who used it to outwit opponents and add an extra layer of panache to their play. The flick got its name from the graceful arc it creates, resembling a rainbow.

ByCoach Jake

How to Perform the Rainbow Flick


Mastering the rainbow flick requires dedication, practice, and patience. Here's a simple step-by-step breakdown of how to execute this breath-taking skill:








The rainbow flick is a mesmerising and awe-inspiring skill that has captured the hearts of football fans worldwide. From its humble beginnings on the Brazilian streets to becoming a staple move in the professional game, it exemplifies the creativity and innovation footballers bring to the sport. However, it's important to remember that the rainbow flick should be used rarely, as it carries risks if executed haphazardly. With diligent practice and determination, your child can add this extraordinary skill to their arsenal and leave their opponents and fans spellbound on the pitch. So, the next time you and your kids are out on the field, don't hesitate to sprinkle some magic by teaching them the dazzling rainbow flick!


If you want to continue to teach your child more skills like this and help them develop at their pace, then download the Family FC App to gain a plethora of coaching courses to do with your kids.