Skill No 20: Keepie Uppies

Learn the essential steps to become a Keepie Uppy maestro, from starting with foot juggling and progressing to using other body parts like thighs, shoulders, and even your head. Find out the importance of timing and rhythm, and understand the dedication and practice needed to improve your juggling abilities.

ByCoach Jake

Keepie uppies skill, also known as "juggling," involves keeping the ball in the air using any part of the body except the hands and arms. Keepie uppies have been a part of football since the sport's early days. While it's challenging to pinpoint a specific moment or individual responsible for its inception, historical accounts suggest that ball juggling likely began as an informal pastime among players, perhaps during training sessions or downtime between matches.


Early forms of keepie uppies involved players using various body parts, from the feet to the head and shoulders, to keep the ball off the ground. It was a simple yet effective way to improve ball control and touch.


How to Master Keepie Uppies

Step One: Tell them to begin by juggling the ball using your feet, standing still and drop the ball gently onto their foot. Use the top of their foot (laces) to make contact with the ball, aiming to create a slight backspin. As the ball rebounds, use their other foot to make a similar contact. Continue alternating between feet.


Step Two: Once you're comfortable with foot juggling, experiment with other body parts like your thighs, shoulders, and head. For thigh juggling, drop the ball gently onto your thigh and use a controlled motion to keep it in the air. When using your head, ensure you make contact with your forehead, not the top of your skull, to maintain control. 


Step Three: Keep your eye on the ball and maintain a consistent rhythm. Timing is crucial to keep the ball in the air. Try to keep the ball at a manageable height, neither too high nor too low.


Step Four: Like any skill, keepie uppies require practice. Dedicate time to improving your juggling abilities, and you'll see progress over time.


Step Five: As you become more skilled, challenge yourself by incorporating tricks, such as spins and flicks, into your juggling routine.


Step Six: Maintain a relaxed and composed posture while juggling. Tension in your body can hinder your performance.


Keepie uppies are not just a display of footballing flair; they are a valuable tool for improving ball control, balance, and coordination. Whether you're a professional player, an aspiring talent, or a passionate fan, mastering this skill can be immensely satisfying and beneficial to your overall game. So, grab a ball, hit the pitch, and start practising your juggling. You never know when those keepie uppies might come in handy and leave your opponents in awe.