Skill No 6: The Rivellino

Unveiling the Rivellino Technique: Master the Art of Precision and Deception in Football. Explore the legacy and learn the secrets behind this elegant move, plus a step-by-step guide for aspiring players. Elevate your game and embrace the spirit of football's beauty

ByCoach Jake

The Rivellino, named after the Brazilian football legend Roberto Rivellino, is a move characterised by a unique and deceptive style of passing the ball. Roberto Rivellino, who graced the footballing world in the 1970s, was known for his exceptional ball control, dribbling skills, and precise passes. However, what set him apart was his mastery of the outside-of-the-foot pass, which would later be associated with his name.

Why the Rivellino was Used

The Rivellino, or the outside-of-the-foot pass, was not just a flashy move; it served a strategic purpose on the pitch. Its primary advantages included:

Deception: By using the outside of the foot, players could deceive defenders and opponents who were often expecting a more conventional pass. This element of surprise allowed for quick changes in the direction of play.

Precision: The outside-of-the-foot pass provides incredible precision. Players can curl the ball around defenders or into tight spaces with exceptional accuracy, making it a valuable tool in offensive play.

Versatility: The Rivellino can be employed in various situations, from long-range passes to delicate through balls. This versatility made it a valuable asset for midfielders and playmakers.

Breaking Down the Rivellino

Now, let's get into the nitty-gritty of executing the Rivellino. While it may seem daunting, with practice and patience, you can master this beautiful technique. Here's a step-by-step breakdown:


Step One: Tell your child to stand with their non-kicking foot slightly ahead of the ball and their knees slightly bent. This positioning allows for better balance and control.


Step Two: Explain that they should approach the ball at a slight angle, with their planted foot pointing towards their target. This will allow them to strike the ball with the outside of their foot.


Step Three: As they make contact with the ball, show them how to use the outside of their kicking foot's instep (the part where the laces are) to make contact with the ball. Ensuring their foot wraps around the ball to impart spin and curve.


Step Four: After making contact, they should follow through with their kicking foot, extending it in the direction of their target. This will control the power and direction of their pass.


The Rivellino is more than just a football move; it's a testament to the beauty and innovation that football continually offers. Aspiring footballers can benefit greatly from adding this technique to their repertoire, improving their ability to deceive defenders and deliver pinpoint passes. Remember, practice makes perfect, so head to the training ground, embrace the spirit of the beautiful game, and master the Rivellino. Whether you're a player or a fan, you can appreciate the timeless elegance of this footballing gem.


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